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DLH Real Estate Austria GmbH @ transport logistic 2023 Munich


This also applies to DLH Real Estate Austria GmbH, logistics real estate expert in Austria. We briefly introduce:

DLH Real Estate Austria GmbH plans and acts out-of-the-box, driven by one question: What can we do so that you can develop your business even better? As a 100% subsidiary, the company, which has been successful on the Austrian market since 2016, is more independent and able to act than the competition due to the high equity ratio of the Zech Group, the parent company.

DLH combines the decades of experience of industry leaders and builds on quality from Austria and Germany. DLH also uses the latest technologies and resources. High-quality and therefore long-lasting real estate solutions are developed according to the latest standards and with the greatest possible use of sustainable resources.
Customers benefit from state-of-the-art solutions with high value retention and lower operating costs. DLH analyzes the customer’s logistics processes, provides comprehensive advice and therefore develops real estate with stable value. The result is more sophisticated and therefore more valuable logistics and industrial solutions.


We asked the managing director, Mr. DI Christian Vogt, what accounts for the success of the German group in our country. Read for yourself!


Mr. Vogt, you haven’t been at home in the world of logistics property construction for that long. How did that happen?

I actually come from the field of chemistry, but after 3 years in this industry I switched to logistics, where I gained 20 years of experience at home and abroad, 10 of them at DHL.

I have been on board since DLH Deutsche Logistik Holding was founded 7 years ago and am responsible for the area of ​​logistics property development in Austria. My enormous wealth of experience in the field of logistics applications is certainly a valuable advantage for our customers and partners. So you can say that I went from a logistics user to a logistics developer.


How did you achieve growth in Austria and how do you deal with the changes caused by the pandemic, war and climate change on the market? Especially in the Corona crisis, logistics properties have become a sought-after segment…..

We started with the search for attractive plots of land. We immediately found what we were looking for in Enzersdorf an der Fischa, where we also developed our first project. We spoke to logisticians on the same level, understood their wishes and thus achieved strong and constant growth.

Today we count a total of 6 projects at different locations in Austria, including Carinthia. Some of these projects are still under construction or in development, such as the “Rail Log Park” at the LCA Logistik Center Austria Süd in Fürnitz.

3 projects have already been completed. In Enzersdorf, for example, we have already developed 150,000 m2 and a brownfield project at this location is still planned. This makes the “Industrial Campus Vienna East” in Enzersdorf the largest logistics park in Austria.

As far as the general changes in the market are concerned, this essentially depends on 2 changes: on the one hand, online trade, which experienced a real boom during the pandemic, and on the other hand, start-ups that were in the starting blocks and, like the trade, needed warehouses . However, it must also be said that this boom was often unsustainable and has now collapsed in parts.

Another feature of the development was the returnees: many companies that maintained buffer storage facilities abroad returned to their home countries in order to avoid the risks of transport routes and to be able to guarantee security of supply. The so-called nearshoring. Instead of setting up supply chains from Asia that were difficult to maintain, greater attention was paid to shorter transport routes. In this context, we can certainly say that DLH was able to benefit from this and that the investment volume was increased.

As far as climate change is concerned, we can say that we have been committed to sustainable real estate from the outset and would also like to advance the efforts of the countries and the EU to counteract the change. Companies today are forced to invest in sustainable real estate. Companies are increasingly orienting themselves towards their home regions and are no longer as aggressively active in foreign countries, precisely because the outbreak of war in unstable countries cannot be ruled out. Austria is a rich and politically and economically stable country, which is why it is particularly interesting for real estate developers. The retailers are also always a key criterion here: where they settle, the real estate developers follow.


Let’s get back to the topic of sustainability and “green logistics real estate”: How important is energy efficiency for you, for example? And where do you as DLH put your ecological footprint? What measures are you taking to protect the climate?

ESG and taxonomy, the new EU regulations, are authoritative here. We have to start reorienting ourselves at the construction site: how are materials supplied and disposed of on the construction site, are materials used that come from sustainable sources? These factors must be decisive for real estate developers and users in order to have a sustainable effect. In this area, DLH has already thought outside the box in order to leave an ecological footprint. Insect hotels, flower meadows, the greening of septic tanks and also the planting of groups of trees in the recreation areas of the employees are mentioned here in particular, which we as DLH already take into account in our projects.


How is your climate-friendly action received by your customers? Are there competitive advantages through greener logistics real estate?

Today, DLH is the market leader in logistics property construction in Austria. If you dedicate yourself to non-sustainable ideas and their implementation, you are quickly out of this position, i.e. no longer competitive. Let’s take the taxonomy. This is about the standardization of evaluation criteria: do existing properties meet certain criteria in the area of ​​sustainability. If you don’t comply, you can’t, for example, resell the real estate to “green” funds and you’re out of the game.


In which locations can such sustainable new developments arise despite the shortage of space?

Preference should be given to concentrating on brownfield projects whenever possible. Especially when we are talking about environmental compatibility, emissions and CO2 savings, it sometimes makes sense to think about the construction of concentrated business parks in greenfields. It makes a significant difference whether 10 companies are bundled in one area and can thus also use synergies or whether 10 companies are located at 10 different locations. This involves careful consideration of the location. This must be in good proportion to the volume of traffic.


Finally, what is the first thing you do when you walk into your office?

The first thing I do is say hello to my employees, go to my office and check my emails. Only when my curiosity is satisfied do I have my first coffee.


Exciting insights into a growth-oriented company! You want to know more? Simply visit www.dlh-realestate.com or even better: meet the team with and around Christian Vogt at transport logistic in Munich from May 9th to 12th, 2023! We look forward to meeting you.