LCA Logistik Center Austria Süd – LCAS for short

Would you like to found a company in the field of transport| logistics or mobility? Expand your company in Carinthia? Make your freight transport greener and evaluate the use of sustainable rail? Are you looking for international, highly qualified specialists for your logistics company? Or maybe just want to join the Carinthian logistics community? Then you’ve come to the right place. We make sure that your logistics project in Carinthia starts successfully.

The location agency LCA Logistik Center Austria Süd GmbH was founded in 2017 with the aim of developing the Fürnitz location into a leading logistics hub in the Alps-Adriatic region.

Today, the LCAS not only stands for the targeted promotion and development of the Fürnitz location, but for the entire logistics location of Carinthia, as well as for the cooperation of the companies based there and other interested parties from the logistics and mobility sector. As a location brand, LCAS also assumes the central role as a company-neutral coordination, information and communication platform for the logistics location of Carinthia.

LCAS is 100% owned by the public sector.

The vision of LCA Logistik Center Austria Süd GmbH is to develop the Fürnitz location into the most modern and greenest logistics competence center in the Alps-Adriatic region and to give Carinthia more international visibility as a logistics location.

The comprehensive logistical know-how is continuously expanded through ongoing research and development in cooperation with institutes, technical colleges and universities. The focus is on energy efficiency, sustainable industrial policy, intelligent networking and innovative technologies.


LCA Logistik Center Austria Süd GmbH, location agency and company of K-BV Kärntner Beteiligungsverwaltung and ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, combines strategic location advantages with comprehensive know-how, vision and service. LCAS sees itself as a strong partner of the logistics industry, creating the best conditions for efficient, resource-saving transport chains with optimal site conditions, intelligent networking and tailor-made solutions.

Services for interested parties, investors and existing companies

  • Extensive information on the logistics location of Carinthia and the logistics hub Logistik Center Austria Süd (LCA-Süd)
  • Assistance in finding suitable offices, production and storage areas as well as commercial properties
  • Establishing contact with TSA Terminal Service Austria (Terminal Villach Süd)
  • Advice and establishing contact with legal and tax experts and banks
  • Information and coordination of financing and subsidies
  • Support with official channels and approval procedures
  • Coordination of the search for personnel
  • Support in the search for cooperation partners, suppliers
  • Further training offer, tailored to the area of ​​logistics

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Location development and international marketing of the Logistik Center Austria Süd

  • Site development and expansion
  • Further development of the location brand
  • Online presence, PR, trade fairs|conventions, presentations and guided tours

Cooperation and projects in the field of logistics

  • Development of internal and external cooperation approaches to secure cost and service head starts
  • National and international projects to promote sustainable logistics in Carinthia

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